STATION NOTE: a man of winter & tricky honey

new poetry for you, watashi wa star • star • star • star • kira • kira

STATION NOTE: a man of winter & tricky honey

Hiya folks,

I am humbled and honored to report that Boudin, the spicy online cousin to The McNeese Review, curated two of my poems—"A man of winter" and "tricky honey"—in their "Imagine: Summer II" issue. This is a dream come true. I love writing and I love sharing that with you. Thank you.

Thank you to Editor Vallie Lynn Watson and Managing Editor Abbie Skinner for considering and curating my poetry, and for putting this issue together. 

Thank you readers. Without you, these poems would be incomplete. I hope you enjoy your time with them. I encourage you to pore over the pages of this and past issues of Boudin's riveting delights.


P.S. - yes, the monthly diary cycle has been on an impromptu hiatus... from publishing, that is. I am still writing and may have a surprise or two up my sleeve... Stay Tuned, love.

Listen to me reading these poems here:

"tricky honey"

"A man of winter"

Welcome to bardic bullion! Stay tuned for poetry, jukeboxery, fierce love, and menace:

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