‘24 [the] I’m On FIRE diaries
may my voice carry where she must
![‘24 [the] I’m On FIRE diaries](/content/images/size/w1200/2025/02/0a2bf0d3-af6d-4b3a-b724-ac4cf8fef3eb_4752x3068-jpeg.jpg)
sonic bullion:
Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedI.
When I am beyond vengeance.
A shine well-earned;
back on my
Head-in-the-clouds dancing
tongue, pen, and all;
Studying the greats like
Sade, Whitney,
All Hail Queens
Memphis & Texas & Princesses Diamond & Swamp
& the old-school Gemini, reincarnated.
When I learned some
carpentry, I have a gift
chopping wood, carrying water
My hearth is hot
I mop with hot salt and peppermint
It’s better this way. All the waxing
into balms now, all the stingers hot
honey in a cute little squeezy bear,
jars on jars, jars and jars.
O, How I’ve made comb.
When I am the cavalry.
You make me hunger, study
devotion, sing my heart out
royally, Whitney • Mariah • Sade (again)
thread the needle livewire—admiring Doechii (always)
no reaching, receiving
[they're not like your ex,
the CEO who sells
wooden hips that can't fly for winding,
who wants lyric when you can buy versions?;
where rhythm goes to die.
A grift if I ever
saw one—naked, unfathomable
mediocrity, protected
class, a fright.
Did it scare you?,
my verse Lover,
my dancer marked by lightning,
when she penned you down?
Some cheap lore for the store.
What a bore. Like all that fame.
But there are rhythms you cannot buy.
Fortunately, I don't have to.]
When honey, I am an alchemist.
There is no comparison for thieving.
Now Lover, your famously big
hands belong here, on my hips,
home again. I walked with you once,
It only takes one dream
To create eternity.
One cup lovers share.
I'll meet you
in the kitchen, sugar.
when the assassin (decoy?)
is a cutiepie
when of *course* he's Italian
folks love when we plug
corruption. If the Mafia were
smart, they would rebrand
There's more where that came from,
The Scourge of boardrooms everywhere...
When, come to find out,
We have the same birthday
mirrored years, must be cousins somewhere
of course we are, our understanding likewise
Let them think we cannot
walk in silence, caro fratello
Possa la tua schiena essere guarita
Per abbinare il tuo passo ardente
Lasciateli credere
che la violenza non è la risposta
quando... La Violenza è La Risposta.
Ci amano
perché capiamo
Silence is useful,
Those who fear silence, let them
Let them fear solitude
Let them forgo
the walk alone through the woods.
Let yourself be
Loved. Shine.
When you step into ferocity
candles and party, a chameleon
when I pop out.
Cocoontime exeunt.
Are you mad?!
Darling, have some tea
While I loose this
truth enthroned in my bare breast
eager student, eagle-eyed,
What have we learned?
In spite of everything to the contrary,
There are a lotta smart people out there.
Are you mad?!
I remain inspired.
I deserve this.
I am a fiery vision
Autocorrect: furry
haha. Velvet, sure.
Quantum leaps. Get used to
being seen.
Can’t keep their eyes off you.
When the dream is
no longer a figment.
When I passed the test.
Congratulations! You’re a
When I haven’t even peaked yet.
Override your nice
for your intuition.
When I kiss you
unknown, my future
I release you, then you arrive
And the radio says, Let’s dance.
You say, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.
when the hogwash is hogtied
sewn up in this world,
a fiery brick.
When I don’t know what you’re still complaining about, but,
Be thankful, said Katt.
Be thankful for the haters,
a string of polo ponies;
Let them do their job.
When you work for me, honey,
cords cut regardless.
When you haven’t walked alone,
and it shows.
Do yourself a favor.
When this year stripped me bare.
I am raw, thank you.
Sacrificing my wounds for something greater, thank you.
Triggers and sparks both
medicine, thank you.
When I am shameless.
Thank you.
When life alone
is an invitation to dream
Big. Sprezzatura, moltomoltomoltomolto
Grazie, and a drink. and a cookie.
When it’s a turning point.
Are they really about to…?
When timing is sexual
tension between me and reality.
Get thee to the riverbed,
you wildfire.
When you can just ask
the snakes in my hair
when I am ready to be perceived.
When I cannot even fathom
all the unkind things people do,
Thank you.
Sitting pretty, entertaining
my shadows.
when KENDRICK DROPPED & Doechii's Tiny Desk & the Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes:
out of the past [diary archive]
what these nets drug in, 2018 and counting:
- '23 too many positives
- '22 Do! Something! Fun!
- '21 The Book of Mellow
- '20 Shots Fired
- '19 Da Come Up
- '18 More With the Horse Legs
Thanks for stopping in! Have some coffee, relax a spell: