'24 Rope bunny bratmobile

Drita D'Avanzo's continuing wisdom*

'24 Rope bunny bratmobile
Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedWhen it’s a playful sun. A fistful.
That’s how I clean now, with my fist.

When a friend brought me here.
1993 but I’ve been here before but
I didn’t know what to listen for.
The pink rotary phone
cradled to me with my patience and
devotion for you: Please,

When it was Jim Carrey, revisited, unbidden;
movies and acorns; a pocket
brought me here.
Eat your hat—a lotus leaf
—catching into jumping fire
into your arms. You fly.

When she can tell me herself her first
favorite movie,
favorite song:
The Dance of the Happy Forest Sprites
& The Monster Who Loves You

—When you are not crazy, it is indeed
war crimes upon war
crimes upon war crimes upon
War crimes upon war—

When you tell us you're above it all
you show us how boring.

Sundaze spinning with my pufffluff baby orange
tiger tree-watching under the orchid bough.

When the nickel jukebox takes a dime
so it’s lowpoly slowerpace and his green erotic
bray for me. Crawling home to me.

When I belong in ‘90s London [rave piano]
When I belonged—the canary horse cottage
working-dog-shattered windowglass-and-frame
When you belong you know: tears spring.

When you let her feed you
to the oven, it is not the warm
you seek—hungrier, only growing hungrier—Family,
enough with these eggshells already.
Grams and crumbs, Babycake,
your body
this bread
will break
in the end. Help yourself.

Turning up the burner
for real, though, quit pretending
leftovers are not enough.
The repast we prepare is a New Tradition.

Stay in the pocket. When you Stay
in the pocket surfing
barrels-to-thread out of pocket
slipping a stitch ride the needle singing
Now is the time to stand out,
Powerline. Now is the time to count.

—that was some heat there.
How bout it, Laocoön? My teeth / like butter to flesh like you. / You won’t feel a thing.
Anyway, Thank you, Natasha Richardson, for saving my life every time with your hugs.

Now that I’ve blown off some steam—

[archival] for the curious, these diary entries (and jukebox time capsules) from the same time period in past years:



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