'24 Rather be
[Pray pardon my froggy rasp, dear]

Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedWhen the paperback is two backs curved gently together
Chests closing into embrace
a fire like Beltane, I fish
my nets only to stop and say cheers,
When it’s camping season, tents afire
and the kindling are the children
and the adults in the room hunger
for hot, young blood. Brutal gimmes.
When my motivation is desire, not innocence,
but my éclat. The benefics perfecting together
in my pasture. Ours to share right now. And I wonder
who else will find.
Time to burn the candle pink.
When age’s lip sync reveals down to legacy
down to a pair of fire bugs burning across the tree
us two, you and me, blood of Gawain.
She holds an umbrella when she dances
machucá lo. Machucá lo. Machucá lo.
When she dances, she stomps.
When I saw you, I knew.
When it’s pugilistic poetry rising
and I love that. Let’s keep that energy
let’s keep the flag flying. Let’s lift
our children, we are Mother. All these kids
are our kids. Look at our fortune.
When we are poetry in motion
in the face of pluto, giving face • face • face
Let’s get smashmouth.
[archival] for the curious, these diary entries (and jukebox time capsules) from the same time period in past years:
- ’23 raining rubies run the roses
- ‘22 The Romantics
- ‘21 Do Venus Proud
- ‘20 it’s ok to feel good
Thank you for reading, beloved. I hope you enjoyed the ride <3