‘24 I am the love of my life, Beware
six years ago I started this project to create with my grief—
Dear neighbors,
I bring word [and music] from the ether:
In loving gratitude,
Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedWhen push comes to shove
When you have to learn-
When in dignity,
Carrying with grace
people don’t even know
How difficult.
When it’s
The Gambler & The Detective,
The Mediator aside,
The Energy does not lie.
You gambled
with the wrong heart
When the sun
bows to the moon
When it’s kinship
Pulling focus
How do you get your light
bright enough; the dragonfly knows, listen
she's poppin. Beware,
the eloquent burn;
your heart may turn
to stone. stones can split
open, create rivers. stones
fall and bow, divine. I hear
the Tiffany windows at the Met
looking like
the other realms. Beware,
How you spend your light
diary archive
for the curious, these diary entries (and jukebox time capsules) from the same time period in past years:
- '23 anniversary
- '22 On This Day
- '21 Queen Venus' Instructions for Dancing
- '20 0º sign o' the Scales
- '19 Les retours d'Aphrodïte
- '18 Venusian Regnant
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