‘23 you didn't read the book??

D'Angelo, Victoria Monét, Bongos, and extended stays

‘23 you didn't read the book??
Photo by Boston Public Library on Unsplash

Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedmessy messy mess-mess
mess messy mess

mess and listen run aground
messy kiss and lies

messy messy mess-mess;
A pocketful of rye
messy messy mess-mess;
And us an angel tie.

Four-and-twenty blackbirds, fenceposts of the day
messy messy mess-mess;
I keep what you say.

messy messy mess-mess;
baked it in a pie.
oh-so-hot your steel-beamed truth
to be your reject is to be my butterfly

it's time to take to the bath.
Timing just for redress.

When it’s time for the answers to all keys
And the fresh sack of flour is spoilt.
When I am the fire in the belly, serving
the witch that you need.

when baby needs a new pair of shoes
so we went to bed with six.

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  1. For some reason, everywhere I go, I hear “Hotel California”. The Eagles have something for me, it would seem. lmk fellas.

    for the curious: check out some archival diary posts & jukebox time capsules related to this season here.

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