'23 anniversary
when it's time to have a talk, a pour over.

Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedYou’re weird where I wasn’t.
Bold of you
to let it spill because I did
not unless it was tears.
When it’s been five years.
When you petrify
Them and I love that
for you. Keep going.
True blue you, how you bore
through me, darling. Saw;
you could not help but to.
I scared easily. I saw, too.
Your mistake was perfection,
an -ism I’m proud you cashed.
—You gave me such cushion
taught me the riversleep, recounted how
a lion played in the snow—
Your strength is you’re willing
to err often, and in the open. And to laugh.
How it spills, the land will decide.
—O! How you listened to me.
—O! When you heard me.
No matter the when, we will always
have the porch and our letters.
Rings of fire and cut glass passed
between us, a cackling
in the clair moonlight.
Our visions a shared music
over and over again.
Sakes, your name is mine
and hers, too. My pride.
I thank you
for carrying me along
for the ride.
Go forth, my love! Mistakes’ embrace.
You are never alone
when there are so many cycles.
You are just brave, which can feel
that way. The only way
to stay is weird.
Now, turn it all the way up.
[archival] for the curious, these diary entries (and jukebox time capsules) from the same time period in past years:
- ‘22 On This Day
- ‘21 Queen Venus’ Instructions for Dancing
- ‘20 0º Sign o’ the Scales
- ‘19 Les retours d’Aphrodïte
- ‘18 Venusian Regnant
- archival jukebox: Her favorite, the rose
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